Gathering Information for Your Trust or Will

What information do I need to prepare my Estate Plan?

Whether you're considering a Will or a Trust, both require specific information to prepare effectively. Here's what you need to know to get started on either option:

Common Requirements for Both Wills and Trusts

  • Basic Information: Details about you, your family, and any pets.
  • Guardian Appointments: Selection of a guardian for the care of your children and pets.
  • Asset Distribution: Decisions on who receives your assets, including any charitable gifts or specific bequests to individuals.
  • Final Arrangements: Your preferences for final arrangements.
  • Asset Information (optional): You can choose to provide information about your assets to assist your Successor Trustee or Executor collect and distribute your Estate, but it's not legally required.

Specific Information Needed for a Will

  • Executor Designation: A person named to administer your estate and execute your Will.

Specific Information Needed for a Trust

  • Trust Name and Successor Trustee: You'll need to decide on a name for your Trust and appoint a Successor Trustee to manage and distribute your assets.

After the Trust is created and signed, you'll begin transferring your assets. Transferring assets is what allows your belongings to avoid probate. Check out our Trust Funding Guide to learn more!


Start your Estate Plan today!


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