Understanding 'Schedule Of Assets'

What is a 'Schedule of Assets'?

The Schedule of Assets is a list of the assets that you hold in your Trust and subject to the provisions of the Trust. This can be easily updated as you add or remove Trust assets. This document is included in the Trust-Based Estate Plan.

The Schedule of Assets and Appendix are not legally binding documents and can be adjusted as needed without signatures. 

How do I create a 'Schedule of Assets' document?

When you purchase a Trust-Based Estate Plan, we create a 'Schedule of Assets' document from the information you provide to us in the questionnaire, specifically when you are asked to add your assets.

How to Access Your 'Schedule of Assets' Document

You can view, download, or print your 'Schedule of Assets' directly from the Estate Plan tab:

How to Edit Your 'Schedule of Assets' Document

While you cannot directly modify the final 'Schedule of Assets' document that you see in the Estate Plan tab in your account, you can add, edit or delete assets in the Assets tab. These adjustments will then be reflected in your 'Schedule of Assets' document.

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