What is a Guardian for my pets?

A pet Guardian is someone you appoint to take care of your pets in case something happens to you. This person's responsibilities encompass everything from feeding and housing to ensuring your pets receive proper veterinary care. Choosing a guardian for your pets is a crucial decision that requires selecting someone who is not only trustworthy but also capable and willing to shoulder these responsibilities for the well-being of your pets.

Learn more about guardianships: Understanding the Role of a Guardian

Does the Guardian I nominate need to accept the role?

The Guardian you nominate must agree to accept the role. It's essential to have a conversation with the person you are considering to ensure they fully understand what the role entails and are prepared to commit to the responsibility. Additionally, nominating backup Guardians is recommended to ensure your pets are cared for if your first choice is unable to fulfill their duties.

Do all of my pets have the same Guardian?

You have the flexibility to appoint different Guardians for each of your pets, allowing for a personalized approach to their care. Similarly, you can designate backup Guardians for each pet, providing an extra layer of security in ensuring that each of your pets is well taken care of should the primary Guardian be unable to serve.

What if my pet isn't in my Will?

If a pet is not specifically mentioned in your Will, a default provision allows your Executor to find a suitable individual or organization to take custody of your pet. This provision covers all pets, including any you may get after the Will was created, and applies if the designated Guardians are unable or unwilling to care for your pets. This ensures that all your pets will have a caretaker who can provide for their needs, regardless of the circumstances.

How to Add or Edit Guardians in Your Estate Plan

Click here or follow the instructions below:

  1. Click Estate Plan from the menu bar on the left side of the page and select to view your Designation Summary tab at the top.
  2. Scroll down to the 'Guardians' section
  3. Click on Edit to make your changes.
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