How to Edit Information in Your Estate Plan Documents

While you can't make direct edits to the final PDF documents, your can edit your Estate Plan via the website which will then automatically update the digital PDF documents in your account.

What parts of my Trust or Will documents can I change?

You can edit any of the information in the sections you went through when you first created your Estate Plan, including:

  • Basic information, including name, email, relationship status, children, state
  • Guardians, including Primary and Backup, for children or pets
  • Assets
  • Distributions, including Beneficiaries, Exclusions, Executors, Gifts, Charitable Donations, etc
  • Arrangements, including Resting Place, Ceremony, and any special instructions
  • Health care, including Primary and Backup Health Care Agents, care instructions, organ donation, access to medical records, etc

You are unable to edit Power of Attorney documents online due to various federal and state regulations. So we provide you with a template, then it just needs to be completed by hand.

How to Edit Your Estate Plan Documents

Easily modify any of your Estate Plan documents, including Last Will and Testament, by following these simple steps after logging into your account:

  1. Click Estate Plan from the menu bar on the left side of the page and select your Designation Summary tab at the top.
  2. Scroll to the section you’d like to update and click Edit in the top left corner of the section. This will open your document to the relevant section
  3. Edit the answer and click Save & Continue to save the changes as you go
  4. Click Return to Home
  5. Click Estate Plan from the menu bar on the left side of the page to review the updated documents

After editing your Trust or Will, you can download and print the latest version of your documents or, if you prefer, request a shipment of the updated documents. Please note, re-shipping charges may apply if you have previously requested a shipment.

Please not you cannot edit your power of attorney online. 



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