30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee

We stand behind everything we do and want you to be completely satisfied with the final product and service you receive from Trust & Will. If you are unsatisfied with our product or service, please get in touch with us within 30 days of your purchase and we will review your request.

If you have utilized services such as Attorney Support, concierge, notary, or deeds, we reserve the right to withhold a portion of the purchase price to cover the costs associated with providing you exceptional service.

Estate Plan Refund Policy

If you need a refund for a Trust or Will, please contact us with the following information:

  • Your name
  • Email address
  • Date of purchase
  • Receipt number
  • A detailed reason for requesting your refund request

Attorney Support Refund Policy

If you added Attorney Support to your Trust- or Will-Based Estate Plan or Probate, and did not create or attend an appointment with your attorney, you can request a full refund within 14 days of purchase. If you've engaged in an attorney consultation, we retain the right to withhold a maximum of 75% of the purchase price from your refund. Please contact support to make your request.

For probate cases, we will withhold $250 from your refund if you've already discussed probate with your attorney.

Probate Refund Policy

If you need a refund for a Concierge Probate or Attorney Probate, please reach out to your assigned Probate Success specialist. If you do not have an assigned Probate Success specialist, please contact our Member Support team at probatesupport@trustandwill.com will be able to connect you to a team member.

Probate Concierge Refund Policy

If you have received service from our concierge team about Probate, we reserve the right to withhold up to 50% of the purchase price from your refund.


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